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PLease help me i got banned when it was not me but Getrekt_easy
  • getrekt_easy is a guy imporeinating me but i know who he is. he is winzip
  • I reported him, I'm sorry if I got you banned. Here's the link to the hakcer: https://www.dancraft.net/discussion/7298/getrekt_easy-hacking#Item_1
  • It doesn't matter who was on your account, you should never give out your account details. It's your responsibility. If you were hacked, try messaging mojang.

    Don't open links you don't trust and don't skype people you don't know.

    Allowed Mods:
    •Armour Status
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    •Direction HUD

    You can make an appeal or, you can purchase an unban here.
  • why the fuck did you post this random shit
  • It was someone with a different account named GetRekt_Easy when the real one is GetRekt_Ez. They were not hacked. And either way, not like he needed to give his details to get hacked.
  • @_Valiant_ I'm a bit confused on what you mean. GetRekt_Ez never mentioned giving out his details to someone else and getting hacked that way. He simply said that someone had that similar name and he got banned. I think you need to re-read what he wrote.