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  • I don't know if our islands are being reset or not at this current time, but they shouldn't be. I don't believe our islands we worked very hard on these past couple of days should be reset due to people cheating to earn money. I alongside many people I have seen in chat, don't believe this is fair (if this is the case). On the other hand our balances might be reset. that's not as bad as our islands but some people such as Dion, have worked for their money and achieved it legitimately. I know ronaldo has proof of who was all doing this and the players who abused this glitch, could be permanently banned. I have a pretty big cactus farm and I would rather not have to restart it because of some goons abusing a glitch. Thank you for reading this and I hope you bring this into consideration.
  • Dan has dealt with the people who did abuse the glitch so I'm pretty sure our islands will not be reset.
  • The glitch abusers have been punished for their wrong doing. Islands are not being reset.
  • we got perm banned
  • well i'm ip banned because dan is a bitch