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Ulti Top Head Suggestion
  • As of the new update on ulti you can sell heads for a bounty. My suggestion is that the top 5 or 3 heads or each month get free gifts for their hard work. Also after each month of the 3 or 5 winners all of the heads will be reset and start over again so the same players will not win again and again. the rewards i am think of will be a top player crate key, gold, and diamonds. I think this will get a great addition the the great ulti server and make it a lot or competitive and fun. Hope to see this in Ulti soon.
  • Comment if you think this should be in Ulti
  • This is a good idea!
  • Idea is good
  • Hey!

    I love this idea, seems like it would be a great addition to ulti. It would give the head claim system a whole new aspect that would be enjoyable. Also I recommend you input your idea via this link: https://www.dancraft.net/suggest.

    Have a great day :)
  • :)







