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Using /ah as storage on Ulti
  • This is really pissing me off that everybody is using /ah as storage. They fucking put up 10 diamonds for 9999999999999999999999999999999999. I would actually like to buy diamonds from /ah but every fucking time I see on the price is 999999999999999999999999999999. I ask a bunch of people why they sell it for so much and they said they use it for storage. That's bull shit. Please bring back the old auction command so pussies can't store their shit.
  • LOL! This my friend is a piece of art.
  • I store my stuff on ah too tho ;)
  • I'm serious though, it's really pissing me off.
  • How come I am missing so many things that is new on the dancraft server. Well because I am BANNEND!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Same :,(