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Girlparty86 isnt my account its my sisters
  • I am banned for hacking but girlparty86 is not linked to me its my sisters account
  • IP Ban means it blocks ANY minecraft (or other game (if it works xD)) account from joining a server, even if you joined for 10seconds, the account will be linked to that IP address. If you want yourself AND girlparty unbanned, purchase a unban for the account rayqyaza559 :D
  • His trying to alt his a lying i don't even want to say it
  • Hi,
    there is no possible way of proving that this account is your sister that is possible that won't physically put you in danger, you may purchase a one time sanction removal here.
    Please note:
    Purchase an unban for the offending account and not for rayquaza559.
  • Lying in your post will not result in a removal of your sanction.