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/Party still glitched
  • 1. So when you log off in a party, you're still in the party but you can't see any party messages. You can send a party message with /party m and only the people who haven't logged off will see it. You won't even see the message you sent but it still sends. (if that made any sense)

    2. So, if you send someone a party request and it times out, you can't send another one because it says that it's still pending, and the person who received the party invite can't accept it because it says it's timed out.

    3. When you log off while in a party and you try to leave the party, it says that you left, but you're still in the party. If you try and make a new party, you can't because it says you're still in the party. You also can't PvP anyone in the party.
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