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Helpers should be included.
  • I, as you may know, am just a regular Steve in Minecraft. I know that I haven't bought a rank, but I do truly want to help you and your server. One suggestion that I have to further help this server is to include a new title called"Helper". Many of your players are complaining about having too little staff on, and how you are not on at all. Implementing this new title called "Helper" will show your fellow MInecraft players that you do care about the game play experience here at this server, and I personally believe that having a moderator or someone of that "rank" brings a calmness to me in a matter that there is someone of that power to help at any given moment. If you could carefully reconsider my proposal, and if you do implement a "Helper" title, I would be extremely grateful if you were to choose me to be a Helper. I am active daily and I am very helpful with my fellow Minecrafters whenever they need help. In the little time I have been on have liked this server and I will continue to play on it for the foreseeable future. Thank you for taking your time to read this suggestion upon my "Helper" idea , even if you do take this suggestion to action and if I am not chosen to be a Helper i will still be grateful that you have read my article. Have a good night :).
  • Ehehehe someone already viewed :)
  • I believe that a Helper rank is a good idea. On a server that I have staffed on, Helper was the introductory level to the staff team and had access to no commands. Regardless of their lack of power, these staff members are able to help new players find their way around the server and its plugins. If Dan could find himself a few dedicated, knowledgeable individuals to have this rank it would greatly beneficial to the server.
  • I really dont think this is a great idea. I mean yeah, it could help alot but I think 2 staff members are fine because then all the little kids will be here like me and say "OMG DAN PLS MAKE ME STAFF!" I am sure know one wants that so i suggest we just leave it how it is and let them chose. Hope you understand! :)
  • This is a good idea, we should make this possible, Dan and Kubsz are currently looking for new staff members.
  • True but the title Helper will be nothing more but an acknowledgement that the player is to be trusted with help, the rank Helper will have no special advantage other than to have the title Helper.
  • I would recommend of having 3 Helpers at the least.(Sky block,KitPvp, and Factions)
  • Applying for helper will decrease the chances of you getting it; but I'd extremely appreciate if more staff were recruited as hackers would be decreased to a much smaller rate.
  • I don't think this whole idea of a helper sounds too great. Moderators are fine enough, I think everyone know's how to get around on a server. But Dancraft definitely needs more staff. Just bring some more moderators.
  • Yes this is a great idea.
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