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  • Hello, my name is Articulating! I'm a 14 year old boy, who is going to buy Obsidian soon, I would most actively play on Factions, so feel free to send me a message. I'll be happy to respond, but even more happy to receive a faction invite. ;) Thanks guys!

    Your friend, Articulating.
  • Hello, welcome to the server! The factions on here is really fun, hope you enjoy!
  • Hello, Atriculating, welcome to the dancraft network, I hope you enjoy playing here and now the ULTI is up I'm sure your going to have twice as much fun :D.
  • Or just say what I fucking said. Prick, rot in hell.
  • Dude? Hey man we know kids get annoying haha I feel ya, but why do you hate on this one guy? He just commented stating about uliti? Calm down and give him a chance?
  • Agreed to what Vortex said, and plus, DansTooGood is the Owner of the server...
  • Japzhu isn't a kid?
  • Hes like 18 or something.