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  • Uhhh, phishing? Ya'know, inviting peeps to your island and killing them, taking all their shit
  • Still not a reason as to why she's not banned, this many people hate her.
  • I mean this shit is bannable....
  • like i said Tina, i agree with the hate group part - there's no use for it. but the part that the owner of this thread talking about sympathy is 100% fax. i haven't seen you say 1 negative thing about izzy. just admit that she's done crap to the community and ill respect the fact that you're defending her. but like i said, if you don't wanna talk about the crap she's done, fine. just keep going on that we're bullies and she's innocent. continue on with your blindness. i have a ton of respek for you Tina but i just don't see how you can't understand what the community is feeling. but im done arguing unless you cuties wanna continue about this izzy bullshit.

    it's izzy's decision on whether she wants this to end. all it takes is a simple apology thread (which ive made plenty of times). oh waaaaaittt a miiinute. she already did. but next thing you know she's back to her old ways, my bad.


    ^Not trying to kick someone who's already down. *cough izzy and her supporters*
  • i mean everyone hates her cause of her past and the fact that she still continues to be a pain in the ass..... js
  • I never said she was innocent, and I can admit she's broken rules, such as blowing up peoples' islands (in v4) and scamming. The only thing I'm trying to point out here is that this kid created a hate group over a game. It's a game and no one deserves to be hated on whether it's a game or not. I don't agree with everything she does but threads like this and people who support threads like this are ridiculous.
  • Do u at least agree with fact that she should be punished?
  • this is the most childish and pathetic post ever just because you guys make up a name and a cult against her doesn't mean shes gonna get banned. its not like shes done anything bannable.. I get it she can be annoying so my word of advise JUST IGNORE HER the commands there for a reason. plus its not like none of us haven't done any of these things before... like jeez sinking so shallow into picking on a little girl who if shes "brainwashing you" is WAAAAY more intelligent then you so suck it up. its just a game. ive had to start over 5 times cuz of greifers on skyblock and lost 13 vaults in total on factions you don't see me going around on forums saying ban everyone that did something I didn't like!
  • When you "quit" and still linger on the forums
  • Another fucking white knight
  • Oh shiet, just read that you're staying oh fuck fuck fuck fuck...
  • What's pathetic is that you're defending her and you have absolutely no idea what the fuck is goin on. "Just give her a chance." No. Shut the fuck up. Count the number of times people have given her another chance you incompetent fucks. And ignoring her won't solve everything.
  • "It's just a game." Nah. It's just a game. The problem is the shits who ruin others' fun. It's all right the first time, but when the person does it multiple times, people start to lose their trust. Eventually they'll start to hate that person, thus getting together in hopes of getting back at that person.

    P.S. Forgive my saltiness, Dan. Don't want anyone to think I'm immature, just irritated.
  • And creating a hate group won't solve anything either.
  • You're absolutely right. Why do you think I haven't joined?
  • Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to bed. And by that I mean hide under my blanket, watching anime...
  • Fuck u Markowl she didn't do sh*t to u and if she did report her u mofo
  • Izzy is just b-b-b-bad to the bone. End of story... no hate just fact. She ruins the game for others... if anything her lack of respect for others if a form of hate. I don't hate Izzy I just want her to stop doing the things she does... and I see nothing wrong warning people to avoid her so they know she'll eventually cause them trouble if they associate with her. New people to the DanCraft community deserve to be warned.
  • dude either stfu or jump down a well
  • Lol that video is so funny!
  • You're either with us or not, the only reason I made this thread is to stop things like this reguarding Izzy from happening again. The whole point is getting her banned to get rid of the threat she poses to the Dancraft community. She's not gonna change and going around in a circle isn't going to solve anything.
  • I think some of you need to do this... This whole thread is getting out-of-hand.
  • sympaul xD M8 your calling her a squeaker xD AHAHAHA you prob suck more dick then anyone here tbh and im surprised you haven't lost your voice yet (BTW DID A 12 PAGE LONG BACK TO FRONT EXAM TODAY YESSSSSSSSSSS)
  • lovely mads
  • my bad fap didnt realize you were the type to call someone a squeaker without hearing their voice.
  • Shut the fuck up devil. No one needs a fucking white knight. Sure, I don't like Izzy and I believe she should stop or be punished. But I'm not that butt hurt to join this petty group who'll waste their time stalking someone, waiting for them to fuck up. Honestly, this group is actually full of JackRabbit8312's. But I'd think you people would be blind to say she's change or she's done nothing wrong.
  • m8 your 14 your balls haven't fully developed yet so I wouldn't be talking
  • LOOOOOL fpapac XD
  • XD Markowl is i should stfu look at all ur shit and start looking at all ur fuck ur saying :D
  • holy shit sign me up
  • OK... now that I've followed CowgirlMads advice and went out and bought a sweet new PC what now?
  • I'll destroy my computer. It doesn't matter because I get a free one from my grandparents nearly every year.
  • Lol I don't understand a word you're saying. Learn some fucking English you ignorant fuck. I already said that I'd give her another chance. I don't know why you're defending her. You people should know that she's done many things that are wrong, and that she's still doing them. Why can't you admit it?
  • I apologize for being an asshole. I don't want to lose some friends such as Hippy, which is why I'll try to go easy....
  • You have no need to "go easy" in this case. I'm done with giving her chances, and she well enough deserves it because of how immature she his (even though I'm the one to talk.).
  • You deserve to be an asshole right now, especially of what's going on.
  • no comment
  • slaughterhouse!
  • dancraft forums are a better version of a csgo match filled with little yoshis
  • not gonna make a huge ass paragraph calling u all fagfucks for harassing a 10 year old but this is returded
  • omg slayerkey u furry
  • if shes ruining ur game, just don't associate with her instead of jumping on the damn hate wagon everytime somebody brings her name up, jeez
  • I'm sorry but there are new people joining DanCraft each day... they deserve to know about Izzy and her bad behavior so they can avoid her and not be caught up in all her shady activities. She is just b-b-b-bad to the bone and there is nothing wrong with warning people... especially the newbies who are our future and don't deserve to be wronged by Izzy. Whether she's 10 years old or 80. Either Izzy needs to leave or everyone needs to know the danger of associated with her. GEEZ... I still can't understand how people think warning everyone about Izzy's bad behavior is a form of bullying.

    Those new to DanCraft Izzy goes by many names... Izzy = TheCuteDuckling = PurppleFairyDust = IzzyPlaysMc10 = Cookie12. AVOID HER AT ALL COSTS.
  • IGN : Junglezz
    Reason : I want Izzy to get banded because she scammed me 2 times in v4 :{ for no reason